Archive for September, 2016

4 years!!!

I can’t believe it has been 4 years since our little sapling was born! This time of year Facebook flashes back on all the photos and comments shared during what were some of the most scary moments of our life.

September 2012 – Cedar had finally gotten back up to her birth weight of 2 pounds….she had already had two surgeries, been on the ventilator, cpap, nasal cannula and back to the ventilator, then cpap again. She had nearly died on us several times. And she had also proven doctors wrong over and over again. A roller coaster indeed.

Fast forward to today – September 13th 2016. I just dropped Cedar off at her 2nd Tuesday of preschool at a local montessori preschool. As I left she had 3 friends all vying for her attention. Our sapling has not lost one bit of her magnetism. She is wild and fun. shy and tender. creative and silly. compassionate and affectionate. She dreams up the biggest stories and is obsessed with space. She says she is going to be an astronaut. She stops what she is doing when someone is in distress. She checks in with other people’s feelings. She is emotionally intuitive and thoughtful. She wants to be a doctor someday. She loves animals and is a protector of the smallest creatures. She notices the moon in the middle of the day. This kiddo reminds us to look up. look around. notice. She is full of light and a true spitfire. Determined is her middle name. Always has been. Four years is definitely challenging as she carves our her independence and digs her heels in about whether or not it is time to eat or sleep…but our little cedar sapling makes every tantrum so worth it. She is a force to be reckoned with. Happy Belated Birthday Cedar!!!


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